Are there any other contraceptive methods?
The morning-after pill is an emergency contraceptive: Sometimes contraceptive mishaps happen, for example, a condom tears during sex or the pill becomes ineffective due to vomiting. In this event you can go to the chemist’s and get the morning-after pill. It costs EUR20 to 35 and is available without a doctor's prescription at the chemist’s. If you take it within 24 hours of having sex at the latest, it will prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
Sterilisation is a permanent birth control method. It requires surgery and will leave you unable to get pregnant. But that also means you will no longer be able to have children. Even if you want to have them one day.
The temperature rhythm method is a natural method: It involves taking your body temperature every morning to find out the fertile days of your cycle. You can then estimate on which days the probability of pregnancy is high and on which days it is not. This method takes a lot of effort on your part, and it is not as safe as the other methods.
In your job, it is very important that you choose a safe method of contraception (in addition to a condom).