What counselling centres exist for prostitutes in North Rhine-Westphalia?
There is us: Landeskoordinierungsstelle NRW für Menschen in der Prostitution/Sexarbeit (NRW Regional Coordination Office for People in Prostitution/Sex Work), which is also behind this website. We provide first-line assistance with all your questions relating to your work and health. You can find our contact details here
And there are the counselling centres KOBER in Dortmund and Madonna e.V. in Bochum, both of which cooperate with the regional government. There you can also receive support and information. Their contact details are to be found here https://www.kober-do.de/
There are also other counselling centres in North Rhine-Westphalia that you can turn to for advice and support, for example general women's counselling centres, specialist counselling centres against sexualised violence and specialised counselling centres for female victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation: You can find more information here
If you have any questions about specific issues, you can also use our counselling centre finder to find out if there is a special counselling service in your area. Simply enter your city or postcode.