Does the Prostitution Protection Act (Prostitutiertenschutzgesetz) also contain rules for the operators of prostitution businesses?
Yes. Operators of prostitution businesses must apply for a permit from the local authority.
Yes. Operators of prostitution businesses must apply for a permit from the local authority.
Prostitution businesses include
No, you are not operating a business if you work in a brothel or similar establishment or alone in an apartment. So you do not need any other permit apart from your registration.
If you are working in an apartment together with other people, the apartment may be a prostitution establishment. Whether you then have to apply for an operating permit yourself or whether your landlord or landlady or a flatmate has to do this depends on the specific situation in your apartment. Please feel free to contact us and we will help you clarify the details.
In North Rhine-Westphalia, there are authorities you can apply to in all districts and independent cities (district order enforcement authorities (Kreisordnungsbehörde)). If you are not sure where to go, please feel free to contact us and we'll help.
The authority will assess whether the applicant is sufficiently reliable to run a prostitution business. A criminal record certificate (Führungszeugnis) must be submitted for this purpose.
The applicant must also submit a business concept. This must specify that the premises meet certain requirements (for example separate bathrooms for prostitutes and clients, separate sleeping and working spaces as well as alarm systems in the rooms).
Further documents may also be required, for example a copy of the lease agreement, a certificate on fiscal matters or information from the central business register (Gewerbezentralregister). This may sound a bit complicated, but we will be happy to offer you advice.
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