What are my rights if I want to work as a prostitute?
Nobody is allowed to force you into prostitution, working as a prostitute is always voluntary. But if someone does put pressure on you, you must contact the police, they will help you and protect you. You can also ask us for help at any time.
You can work as a prostitute almost anywhere, with the exception of certain areas in some cities. They are called Sperrgebiete (restricted areas), prostitution is illegal there. We will be happy to help you find out if there are any such restricted areas in your city. You can also get information about this from the authority that issued your registration certificate.
You can decide for yourself how and when you want to work. If you don't want to do something that a client or brothel operator asks you to do, you can always refuse. You don't have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or that could hurt you.
You have a right to the agreed pay and may also demand that the client gives you the money in advance. You don't have to give the money back just because a client says you didn't do a good job.